What is Synodality?
Synodality denotes the particular style that qualifies the life and mission of the Church, expressing her nature as the People of God journeying together and gathering in assembly, summoned by the Lord Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel. Synodality ought to be expressed in the Church’s ordinary way of living and working.
Synodality, in this perspective, is much more than the celebration of ecclesial meetings and Bishops’ assemblies, or a matter of simple internal administration within the Church; it is the specific
modus vivendi et operandi of the Church, the People of God, which reveals and gives substance to her being as communion when all her members journey together, gather in assembly and take an active part in her evangelizing mission.
The Process
At every stage of this synodal process since 2021, local churches have been asked to take part in consultations which have resulted in diocesan reports – these have then been collated into a national report and submitted to the Vatican Synodal Team to inform the next stage of the process. For Scotland, Bishop Brian McGee was our representative at the Synod meetings in Rome.