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The Bishops' Conference of Scotland

The Roman Catholic Bishops in Scotland work together to undertake nationwide initiatives through their Commissions and Agencies.

The members of the Bishops' Conference are the Bishops of the eight Scottish Dioceses. Where appropriate the Bishops Emeriti (retired) provide a much welcomed contribution to the work of the conference. The Bishops' Conference of Scotland is a permanently constituted assembly which meets regularly throughout the year to address relevant business matters.


Season Of Creation 2024

Christian communities all over the world will come together to celebrate the Season of Creation and to care for our common home next month.

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland’s Care of Creation Office is hosting two events across the season, which runs from 1st September to 4th October which are open to all.

News from the Commissions and Agencies

April 2024

Pope Francis meets with relatives of hostages being held by Hamas since the start of the Israeli war against Hamas. The private audience on Monday ...

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The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s new document 'Dignitas infinita' took five years to complete, and builds on the papal magisterium of the ...

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The Speaker of the House of Lords, Lord McFall of Alcluith, has urged politicians to remember the importance of humility when seeking to improve society.At an event hosted by the international mission and development organisation, Jesuit Missions, last Wednesday (20 March), the L...

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Gospel of 8 April 2024Luke 1:26-38The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in...

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Dear Supporters of Justice and Peace Scotland,

We are pleased to let you know that booking is NOW OPEN and the programme of events for the visit of Fr Gabriel Romanelli, parish priest of the Holy Family Catholic Church in Gaza, has now been confirmed. You are invited to join Justice & Peace Scotland, SCIAF, and the Archdiocese of Glasgow on Friday 26th April for two events in Fr Gabriel's company.

Join us first for "Hope For Peace in Gaza: A Conversation With Fr Gabriel Romanelli" which will consist of a keynote address by Fr Gabriel followed by a discussion panel and Q&A. Panellists will include Archbishop William Nolan, Archbishop of Glasgow and President of Justice & Peace Scotland, and Rev. Sally Foster-Fulton, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (other panellists still to be confirmed). After the talk, we will make our way to St Andrew's Cathedral for Celebration of Holy Mass with Fr Gabriel and the Archbishop. All details including address and timings are in the flyer below. Book your place by clicking on the flyer, or by clicking here. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hope-for-peace-in-gaza-a-conversation-with-fr-gabriel-romanelli-tickets-876630554587?aff=oddtdtcreator

Although the events marking Fr Gabriel's visit are free to attend, booking for the talk and Q&A is essential to allow us to monitor numbers. Registration will take place on the day to ensure those who have booked are admitted. There is no registration required for the mass. If you wish to attend the mass only, then please do not register, as this will reduce the available places at the talk.

We encourage as many of you to attend both events as possible to show our solidarity and support with Fr Gabriel and his community at this time of conflict and violence in The Holy Land, and ask you to please share the details of his visit with friends, family, and in your own networks.

We look forward to welcoming you on the 26th April.

In Peace,

Justice and Peace Scotland (The National Commission for Justice and Peace)

Join us at Trades Hall as we listen to Fr. Romanelli, parish priest of the Holy Family Parish in Gaza, speak about his hopes for peace.

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The Holy See publishes the 2024 Pontifical Yearbook and the 2022 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, detailing the numbers of bishops, priests, men ...

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For two days, international experts, with the Holy See's participation, gather in Rome to discuss issues surrounding surrogacy, and to demand its ...

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Speaking with members of the Pontifical Latin-American, Brazilian, and Mexican Colleges, Pope Francis reflects on love, calling it “a central theme in ...

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This outstanding a cappella choir routinely performs Christian hymns in imaginative and downright gorgeous tones of R&B, barbershop, jazz, and gospel.

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