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The Bishops' Conference of Scotland

The Roman Catholic Bishops in Scotland work together to undertake nationwide initiatives through their Commissions and Agencies.

The members of the Bishops' Conference are the Bishops of the eight Scottish Dioceses. Where appropriate the Bishops Emeriti (retired) provide a much welcomed contribution to the work of the conference. The Bishops' Conference of Scotland is a permanently constituted assembly which meets regularly throughout the year to address relevant business matters.

Members of The Bishops' Conference of Scotland


Click here to visit the Jubilee 2025 website

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. 

To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever.

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News from the Commissions and Agencies

Archive by category: BCoS FacebookReturn
November 2024
Majority of Scottish MPs voted against

PLANS to introduce assisted dying in England and Wales have cleared their first parliamentary stages.
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A spokesperson for Disability Rights UK said: “This decision comes as a profound betrayal to disabled people across the UK, who continue to struggle to live with dignity in a society that fails to meet even our most basic needs.
“At a time when social care is chronically underfunded, accessible housing is scarce, and many disabled people are unable to afford food, energy, or other essentials, this legislation sends a chilling message: the government prioritises the right to die over the right to live.”
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Performed and rehearsed by Motherwell Diocesan Choir, Organist John Pitcathley, Conducted by Des McLean.Use in Papal Mass, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow 2010Mix...
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Happy Feast of St Andrew!

From the 1921 Prayer Book of the College:

When the blessed Andrew came to the place where the cross was made ready, he exclaimed and said:
“O precious cross, for a long time have I desired thee, and, not that thou art made ready for me, my soul is drawn to thee, and I come to thee in peace and gladness; thou also oughtest to welcome me with joy, for I am the disciple of Him who hung on thee.”

We humbly entreat Thy majesty, O Lord:
That as the blessed Apostle Andrew was once a teacher and ruler of Thy Church: so he may be a constant advocate for us before Thee.

St Andrew: pray for us!
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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
A bleak day for humanity and especially for our English and Welsh friends, most particularly for the sick, elderly, poor and disabled. I thank everyone who contacted their local MP, which certainly had a positive effect, since the majority of Scottish MPs voted against assisted suicide. We cannot give up but, inspired by the Gospel, continue to build a compassionate and loving society where every human being is cherished.
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Bishop John Keenan has reacted to the UK Parliament's decision to pass Kim Leadbeater's assisted suicide Bill at second reading:

"This is a sad day for the sick, the vulnerable and the disabled in society. Today’s vote strikes a blow against the foundational principle of medicine "do no harm". Since parliamentarians have voted to create a category of people that the state will help to commit suicide, doctors will now be invited to help their patients to kill themselves. As we have seen across the world, once enacted these laws are rapidly and dangerously expanded."
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Bishops Conference meeting with the First Minister | by Scottish Government

Bishops Conference meeting with the First Minister
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Today as we prepare to celebrate St Andrew’s Day the First Minister John Swinney invited the Catholic Bishops of Scotland to lunch at Bute House. The Conference thanks the First Minister for his kind invitation and acknowledgment of the contribution of the Catholic Church to Scotland.

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Pope Francis approves Decrees highlighting the extraordinary testimony to the faith shown by six very different witnesses.
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