Pope Francis got a chuckle from an audience of comedians after suggesting he throw away his prepared remarks and simply make people laugh with a silly gesture.
Following St. Thomas Aquinas' advice, “Those who lack playfulness are sinful,” the pope joked, “I’ll do this, and we will all laugh,” holding his thumb to his head and wiggling his fingers.
Addressing over 100 comics, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Conan O’Brien on June 14, Francis praised their ability to spread peace and smiles amid gloomy news. “You have the power to spread peace and smiles,” he said. “Humor does not offend, humiliate, or put people down.”
He added, “In the midst of so many social and personal emergencies, you bring a miracle by making people smile.” The pope also shared an Italian saying, “Il sorriso fa buon sangue,” meaning “smiling brings good health.”
Stephen Colbert reflected, “It was lovely to hear the pope acknowledge that there’s a value in humor for people’s hearts.” Jim Gaffigan, who attended with his family, said, “I’m going to brag about meeting the pope. That’s so cool.”
Pope Francis referenced a prayer he has prayed daily for over 40 years: “Give me a sense of humor, Lord.” The full version of the prayer was read aloud by Italian comedian Luciana Littizzetto at the end of the audience.
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