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BUFFER ZONES DEBATE With the debate around implementing so-called Buffer Zones around abortion clinics and hospitals in Scotland...

With the debate around implementing so-called Buffer Zones around abortion clinics and hospitals in Scotland, I decided to dig deeper into the issue in England. Buffer Zones or so-called Safe Zones were put in place in some places to respond to aggressive and unsafe protests by some. This, at least, was the argument that was used.

I managed to find an image of one of the signs that is posted around a Safe Zone in England and could hardly believe what I was reading. I suggest you read it for yourself.

Astonishingly, this Protection Order bans audible praying, reading Scripture, making the sign of the Cross & genuflecting among other actions. It also prohibits “Protesting, namely engaging in an act of approval/disapproval or
attempted act of approval/disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means”.

Incredibly, this is presently in force in parts of England.

I can hardly believe that this did not create a public outcry from the vast majority of people who cherish the basic freedoms that make our democratic society so great, like the freedom to disagree and disapprove of things you believe to be wrong, freedom to express your sincerely held views, and freedom to express your religion in the public square. I can only imagine that people are not familiar with the detail and scope of these bans. Even those who sit on the opposite side of the abortion debate must surely see the egregious over-reach of the State in this instance.

Can you imagine for a moment if a Public Protection Order was issued to environmental activists, insisting that any protest which includes disapproval for fossil fuel use was banned.

What kind of country are we living in! What has happened to our basic civil rights! What has happened to the idea that we tolerate opposing views without resorting to censorship.

Surely we cannot allow something like this to come to Scotland. Protect people, by all means, from any harassment, intimidation or abuse. I will stand alongside anyone with that noble intention. But the State cannot trample over cherished and hard-won rights along the way.

I, for one, would never stop praying or making the sign of the Cross in public, no matter what the State imposes. This is Scotland, not communist China!

Please make your feelings known by contacting your local MSP.

God bless,
Fr Michael Kane

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