Statement from Bishop John Keenan,
President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland
27th Feb 2025
Two weeks ago, I met with our Holy Father Pope Francis at the general audience. It was a joyful and prayerful encounter but also a challenge for Pope Francis because of his health. In these difficult days for our Holy Father and for the Church, we ask the Lord, our Good Shepherd, to strengthen and bless Pope Francis and to guide those who care for him. I invite everyone to continue to pray the Rosary at 8pm every evening in union with Catholics throughout the world and in St Peter’s Square, and also to recite the following prayer for our Pope.
O God you called St Peter to be the leader of your Church
and a firm foundation for our faith.
You call Pope Francis as his successor, our Pope,
to guide and inspire the Church.
Strengthen and protect our Holy Father in mind, body and soul.
Embrace Pope Francis in your healing love
and shelter him in the shadow of your grace
that he may serve you all the days of his life
through Christ Our Lord. Amen
(Photo from General Audience 12th Feb 2025)