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On the night before the Synod began I prayed at the tomb of St Catherine of Siena seeking her intercession

On the night before the Synod began I prayed at the tomb of St Catherine of Siena seeking her intercession. You may remember that before I left Oban I began a novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux for the exact same reason. Rome is full of tombs and Churches dedicated to saints: Our Lady, St Peter, St Paul, St Monica, St Charles Borromeo, St Ignatius of Loyola, St Philip Neri, Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II and many others. During weekends I have visited many Churches to seek the intercession of these and other saints buried or dedicated there. Why? The Communion of Saints. The saints are part of the Church but are now sharing in the glory of Christ in heaven. They have clarity regarding what life is about and they love us, therefore they want to intercede on our behalf. I am aware of the importance of this Synod and my own limitations and therefore it seems natural to me to seek the intercession of my brothers and sisters in heaven. Furthermore, this Synod does not exist in isolation but is part of a long history of many gatherings of Councils and Synods. It is important to remember that what we are doing is not something novel or in isolation but rather part of a long tradition to which I know we must be faithful. For that too I seek the intercession of the saints who were disciples that discerned and followed God’s will, including those who participated in previous Synods and Councils over the past 2,000 years.
All you Saints of God, pray for us.

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